"Aspie" (Asperger's)
| Astrology Data Collector
| Australian
| British
| Gay
| Master of Philosophy
| Vegan
 Sy Scholfield with Lois Rodden, California, 2002, ©
Thanks for your interest. Since my late teens I've researched and collected "astro-data" (dates, places & times of birth required to cast astrology charts for famous or otherwise remarkable people and events). Today I'm the largest active astrodata collector in the world. Over 21,000 of my research data have been published in Lois Rodden's Astrodatabank (online from 2009). As a collector, I mainly source birth records and other info in English and various languages including French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian and Portuguese. I regularly post new data and charts on my AstroDataBlog on Facebook . Since 2013 I have also volunteered as the chief editor of Astro-databank (a database of nearly 100,000 entries), making thousands of new entries and checking and updating thousands of data and biographies.
I edited the data in several of Frank Clifford's books, including The Astrologer's Book of Charts (2009), Getting to the Heart of Your Chart: Playing Astrological Detective (2012, 2017, 2024), Horoscope Snapshots (2014) and The Book of Music Horoscopes (2018).
My online book Star Quotes: Famous People Talk about Their Zodiac Signs is planned for release in the 2020s (view samples here).
Born to British parents, I grew up in Australia where I nowadays split my time between the city, the country and the beach. I'm on the Autism Spectrum (classified as an 'Aspie,' i.e. with 'Asperger Syndrome'), I'm gay (happily single) and I have been a vegan for nearly 20 years. I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Modern Asian Studies, an Honours degree in Art History (both from Griffith University), and a Master of Philosophy research degree (University of Queensland).

"Thank you to . . . Sy Scholfield for so efficiently verifying the data in this book" – Wendy Stacey. Uranus Square Pluto: New Perspectives on the Current Planetary Line-Up in Mundane Astrology. London: Mayo/Flare, 2012: 6.

"Chart Data (courtesy of Sy Scholfield)" – Wendy Stacey. "Planetary Cycles and Cinema Trends." Astrology: The New Generation. Ed. Nan Geary. London: Flare, 2012: 14-35: 34.
"Chart Data (courtesy of Sy Scholfield)" – Keiron Le Grice. "The Archetypal Dynamics of Individuation." Astrology: The New Generation. Ed. Nan Geary. London: Flare, 2012: 298-325: 322.

"This book has benefited greatly from the care, precision and expertise of my friends Jane Struthers and Sy Scholfield. Sy, who has become one of the great data collectors, checked every piece of information and provided many birth names, coordinates and additional details." – Frank C. Clifford. The Astrologer's Book of Charts. London: Flare, 2009.

"I owe a great many thanks to Sy Scholfield for supervising and compiling the following list of data used in the book. Always sceptical of quotes and unverified sources – and the various errors that have crept into online astrological databanks – Sy was able to double-check much of the data using new sources . . . I would recommend him to those looking to have data researched, verified and compiled for projects, books or articles – Frank C. Clifford.
Copyright © 2006-2025 Sy Scholfield www.syscholfield.com All rights reserved in all media.